Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Weird Theropod

 This, is the Dilophosaurus (di-loh-fo-SORE-uss). It was commonly mistaken as a venom-spitting tiny dinosaur, but reality says, that's all wrong. If you haven't seen Jurassic Park, I suggest you watch it. But, when you see the Dilophosaur in Jurassic Park, it'll look something like this:

Remember, Dilophosaur's DON'T look like this. Dilophosaurus lived in the early-middle Jurassic period and Dilophosaurus means "double-crested lizard." They were 16-20 feet long, and 5-6 feet high. It weighed more than 500 kilograms! It was found in North America in the U.S.A. and Asia, China. Its main diet was ornithischian dinosaurs and crocodylomorphs. I'll try to post again in about a week. Dino's rule!

1 comment:

  1. These are very interesting facts Devan. Thanks for the illumination about the real Dilophosaur vs, the Jurassic Park version. I'll know a bit of trivia next time I watch that movie!
